
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Calling for Internet Love Scam Victims

Dear all,

We have being contacted by a reporter from the Straits Times to look for victims of Internet love scams.

If you or any of your friends have experienced such scam, do step out and share your story because it can help many people to avoid being scammed.

To share the story, please contact us or Carolyn at kcarolyn at sph dot com dot sg.

Please note that the article is due for this coming Sunday (12 February 2012).

I'm Carolyn from the Straits Times.

There has been a rise in internet love scams, up from last year and we're looking at doing a story on victims of Internet love scams and to find out the reasons why they fell prey to such crime.

We're hoping that Scams Singapore would be able to refer us to victims who were scammed before or were close to being scammed. Rest assured we won't mention any names in our story.

By helping us, Scams Singapore would be doing a public service as the stories and experiences would help to serve as cautionary tales for many other Singaporeans.

Hope to hear from you as soon as possible, thanks.



  1. There is an online reported romance scam site still active for years but is not brought down by police:

    be with a beautiful mom today and get 4000 after fun – 24
    Ad ID: 1935318322

    Please be aware of the scammer link at

    When contacted they will show you a application form to transfer 400 dollars to meet a sugar mummy or daddy.

    After you transfer the 400 you will be directed to a boss and require 1390 for the licence to get mummy detail

    Please do not being scam
