
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Online Dating Scams - Appeal by "tagged convictim"

Below is an appeal from a victim of an online scam known as "tagged convictim". Although she did not indicate, we have reason to believe that she has met the scammer through the social networking website -

If you are a victim of similar case, do report to the police immediately.

If the scammer you have encountered is similar to the guy as described by the victim, do leave a comment at the bottom of this blog entry.

I met a guy a few months ago and he claimed he love me and won my heart within days. In fact, he proposed right after our first meeting and was doing everything a girl dream for. He drove around in luxurious sport cars and claimed he has many businesses. (I guess his story would be different for every case). It wasnt money that made me fell in love with him but the charisma and attentiveness he possess. Whatever it is, for my case, he claimed he bought a house for us and even showed me evidences, etc. Days later he asked for a loan due to cash flow problems. I felt I was the cause of his problem and loan him a huge sum of money. He then disappeared and said he's too ashamed to face anyone. His identity is faked and contact numbers are not registered under his name. He has been doing this for a few years and I believe there are many victims out there. He has been caught recently and now on bail. I am looking for more girls to stand up to seek justice.

Description of him: 33/Chinese/Singaporean, about 176cm, fat with short hair (with long gold fringe) and the most distinctive feature is his two broken front teeth. He is always in tshirt and bermudas and mostly driving a black Nissan.

Please drop me a message if you think you are one of the victims. Contacts will be confidential. May justice prevail.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Carolyn, a reporter with a newspaper. We're currently working on a story regarding internet love scams and were wondering if you'd be willing to share your experience with us? We will not mention any names in our story.

    We hope that you'll be able to help us as your story and experience will help to warn other Singaporeans against similar scams.

    You can reach me at

    Hope to hear from you as soon as possible, thanks.
